On December 5th, 2023, Hillside Innovation Academy (HIA) received a generous donation of coats for all 7th and 8th-grade Scholars, from Hillside Democratic Party Chairman, Mr. Anthony Salters! HIA Scholars collected their coats via a random drawing, allowing them to select the coat of their choice! Thank you, Mr. Salters, Principal Silva, Superintendent Glover, and the Hillside Board of Education. #hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #coatdrive #donation #unioncountynj #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities

Good morning, Hillside! "Santa is coming to town! Join the Hillside Police Department and Hillside Board of Education for Milk and Cookies with Santa" on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023! Taking place from 6 - 8 p.m., "there will be music, games and an appearance by the big man himself...SANTA! Hope to see you there!!"
#hillsidepublicschools #santaclaus #hillsidenj #hillsidenjfinest #hpdandcommunity #onecommunityworkingtogether #HPDBOEMilk&Cookies2023 #hillsideschools #unioncountynj

Attention Hillside parents & families, please join us on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, for Hillside Public Schools' Family Resource Night! Resource Night will take place in the Ola Edwards Community School Gymnasium from 4 - 6 p.m. Hillside Public Schools staff will be available to assist with multiple applications and programs including Genesis Parent Portal, and Lunch Applications. You can also see if you qualify Xfinity's free internet service program!
The Union County Office of Health Management @ucnj will be on-site hosting a Flu vaccination clinic as well and providing at-home Covid testing kits! Please see the flyers for more information and details regarding necessary documentation, thank you!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #ucnj #unioncountynj #familyresourcenight #fluvaccine #covidtesting #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities

Nanababies Daycare and Zonta Club of Essex present "Traffick Jam"! Human Trafficking Awareness through skits, and live music! Taking place @keanuniversity on Saturday, December 9th, 2023, at 11 a.m. All seats are free, and the Hillside Public Schools community is invited, we hope to see you there!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #keanuniversity #humantraffickingawareness #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilites #traffickjam

A historic event occurred at Hillside Innovation Academy (H.I.A.) on November 30th, 2023! The Hillside Board of Education and Hillside Public Schools hosted the unveiling and dedication of the Cornerstone of HIA! The Mistress of Ceremonies was Hillside Board of Education President, Ms. Cook. Superintendent Glover, President Cook, and Hillside Democratic Committee Chairman, Mr. Anthony Salters, all gave speeches during the unveiling, as Hillside Public Schools leaders, staff, and community members attended and applauded! Shout out to Mr. Salters, HIA Principal, Dr. Silva, and more for Hillside Innovation Academy's establishment and success!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hia #cornerstone #newpathways #newpossibilities #newpride #boardofeducation #hillsideboardofeducation #boe #unioncountynj

A few amazing women leaders from Hillside Public Schools attended the New Jersey Association of School Administrators' (njasa) Regional Women’s Educational Leadership Forum and Breakfast! The Forum took place on November 29th, 2023, at @keanuniversity. Shoutout to World Language Supervisor, Ms. Okparaeke, Science Supervisor, Ms. Corona, English Supervisor, Ms. Bohm, and Mathematics Supervisor, Ms. Dela Valle, who attended the breakfast forum! Hillside Public Schools appreciates @keanuniversity and our women leaders and staff members!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #keanuniversity #womensleadership #newpride #newpathways #newpossibilities #njeducation #njasa

On November 3rd, 2023, Hillside Innovation Academy (HIA) Principal Dr. Silva, and Hillside Board of Education President, Ms. Cook, were honored at the Hillside NAACP's Annual Freedom Fund Gala Event! Shoutout to Hillside NAACP Branch President Ms. Graves-Watson, who is an HIA parent and active collaborator with our district through the @ecponj! Staff members from HIA who attended the ceremony include Mr. Joyner, Mr. Moss, Ms. Vazquez, and Ms. Therres! @naacp
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #naacp #hillsidenaacp #njnaacp #newpathways #newpossibilities #gala #hia #hillsideinnovationacademy

Attention Hillside parents and families, Hillside Public Schools is hosting a Family Resource Night on Tuesday, December 5th, 2023! There will also be a Flu Vaccination clinic on-site, hosted by the Union County Board of County Commissioners @unioncountynj. Join us at the Ola Edwards Community School gymnasium from 4 - 6 p.m.! Technical assistance with the Parent Portal, the Free and Reduced Meal Application, Payschools, and more will be provided. Translation services will be available as well, please see the flyer for additional information!

Good morning to all from Hillside Public Schools! Let's have a great, short week as we prepare for Thanksgiving. Monday and Tuesday are full school days, and Thanksgiving Recess begins Wednesday, November 22nd, through November 24th!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #recess

@xtremedunks of the Xtreme Team came to W.O.K. Middle School today (11/17/2023)! They put on a spectacular show for W.O.K. and H.I.A. students who filled the gymnasium! The dunk show was organized for middle school students who successfully sold milestone numbers of candy earlier this school year. Thank you Principal Scott-Jackson, Vice-Principal Elie, the Xtreme Team, and all of our middle school staff!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #wok #hia #xtremeteam #xtremedunks #basketball #candysale

Photos from our Adult ESL classes continue to pour in, and we love to see it! Hillside Public Schools are the pillar of education in our community, not only for children, but also for adults as well! Great work staff and students, and thank you Ms. Rivera for sharing these awesome images!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #betterpathways #betterpossibilities #esl #adultenglish #englishsecondlanguage

Hey Hillside, did you know that it's American Education Week? American Education Week happens annually the week before Thanksgiving! "Each day of the week has its own theme, during which public-school community members and workers are celebrated! "Festivities honor the team of people who work in our nation’s public schools, everyone from the bus driver and classroom teacher to the cafeteria worker and administrative staff, plus countless others!"
Today we recognize and celebrate Education Support Professionals! Be sure to thank the workers of Hillside Public Schools wherever you see them!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #americaneducationweek #thankyou #aew2023

More photos from ESL year two which is doing exceptionally well! Last Wednesday (11/08/2023), the Adult ESL program hosted assessments to establish class levels for their students. Great work ESL staff members, and students!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #adultesl #esl

Hillside Public Schools' second year of Adult English Instruction has begun! On Monday, November 6th, 2023, over 70 adults attended class! The ESL program continues to grow exponentially! Great work Ms. Okparaeke, Ms. Harris, Ms. Rivera, Mr. Ojeda, and all of our ESL staff and students!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #esl #englishinstruction #worldlanguage

Teachers across Hillside Public Schools District participated in Professional Development Classes on Monday, November 6th, 2023. From Sheltered English to Introductions in Artificial Intelligence, our teachers are always learning how to improve and innovate instruction for our students!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #professionaldevelopment #njteachers

Please see the following update from Superintendent Glover as he discusses the state of Hillside Public Schools District thus far in the 2023 - 2024 school year. Thank you!

Congratulations to Hillside Innovation Academy's very own, Ms. Rachel Therres! Ms. Therres is being recognized by @artsednj in their next Art Education Teacher Feature! This feature will consist of an interview live on Instagram on Monday, November 13th, 2023, at 7 p.m. Be sure to tune in to @artsednj's page to watch the interview, as Ms. Therres discusses her work at H.I.A. as well as her passion for the arts!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #hillsideinnovationacademy #artsednj #teacherfeature

These are a few photos from the first 3 chef days here at Hillside Public Schools! From General Tso's Chicken & Lo Mein to Penne Pasta with Chicken, students across the district are treated to incredible meals thanks to @maschiofood!
#hillsidenj @hillsidepublicschools @maschiofoodservices

Social media only allows us to post 10 photos, but that's just a small percentage of the number of images we have of Halloween here at Hillside Public Schools! Schools across our district hosted Halloween parades, including A.P. Morris, Deanna Taylor, Hurden Looker, and Ola Edwards! At Hillside High School, both students and staff dressed in costumes, and Mrs. Deutsch's AP Language and Composition students even wrote short horror stories! It's been a fun, creative day in Hillside Public Schools, and these are just a few pictures that capture the spirit of today's celebrations. More content to come! @hillsidehs_schoolcounseling @hillsidestuco @partycity @spirithalloween
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #halloween #happyhalloween #halloween2023 #costumes #parade #spirithalloween #partycity

Hillside Innovation Academy and Pandolfi Ceramics supported a collaboration and June 2023 competition for Hillside Innovation Academy’s grade seven scholars. The students designed plates inspired the artist Judy Chicago’s famous work “The Dinner Party,” on permanent view at the Brooklyn Museum. Shoppers at Pandolfi studios had the opportunity to purchase designs by HIA scholars. The scholars were each awarded with a monetary and personalized gift from Pandolfi studio owners. As a result of this collaboration, Pandolfi Ceramics USA is to donate the funds from the pieces scholars designed back to Hillside Innovation Academy resulting in a donation of over $2,000 for Hillside Innovation Academy’s art program under HIA's Visual Art Teacher, and the 2023 NJ Teen Art Educator of the Year, Rachel Therres! Great work, HIA!
#hillsidenj #hillsidepublicschools #ceramics #artists #pandolficeramics