Hillside Innovation Academy School Uniform Policy: School Year 2024-2025
Uniform Description
Dockers Style Grey or Khaki Colored Pants, Grey/ Burgundy or plaid Shorts, Skorts, or Skirts (no shorter than fingertips from the knee)
Collared Burgundy, Grey, or White Long or Short Sleeve Cotton Blouse or shirt w/ or w/o school logo
Burgundy, Grey, or White Cardigans, Pullover Sweaters, Crew Neck Sweatshirts and Vests w/ or w/o school logo
Grade 8 Scholars may wear a Black collared shirt, blouse, cardigan or vest in place of grey, white or burgundy
Gym Wear
Burgundy, Grey, or White Short Sleeve T-Shirt (NO TANK TOPS)
Shorts or Sweatpants
Crew Neck Sweatshirts Only
No bedroom slippers or flip flops
No cleats
No open-toed shoes with/or without heel straps, including Ugg Slippers and Crocs, or heels three inches or over.
No hats, bandannas, bonnets, Doo-Rags, sweatbands, stocking caps or hoods.
Headwear is not permitted on campus! (other than for religious reasons)
No sunglasses inside the building
No spiked accessories or chains
No ornamental or decorative contact lenses
No visible cell phones or headphones on campus at any time
MANDATED UNIFORM POLICY as per board policy: Uniform Policy
If a student violates the policy:
·1st Violation Parent/Guardian will be called to provide uniform
·2nd Violation Parent Conference
·3rd Violation After-School Detention*
*Excessive uniform violations will result in additional consequences, including loss of privileges (Grade Level Activities, Trips, End-of-the-Year Activities), detentions (Lunch/After-school), In-School Suspensions